Of All The Places

A show exploring the passions, creativity, and careers of people creating magic in their communities. From 5518 Designs in Butte, MT

Recent Episodes

Marke Thieszen Owner of Homestake Lodge Ski Area
Season 2

2.4 Mark Thieszen – Owner of Homestake Lodge Ski Area

Whether it was to decompress after a day practicing law or to “study snowboarding” in college,[…]

Season 2

2.3 Justin DeShazo – Artist & Butte Original

The artist and closet scientist, Justin DeShazo has convinced himself that when more people get[…]

Season 2

2.2 Shanna Adams – Engineer & Community Leader

Our guest Shanna Adams is working tirelessly to lay the groundwork to move her community[…]

Ben Morris Cover Image
Season 2

2.1 Ben Morris – Musician & Audio Engineer

We’re pulling Ben Morris away from his computer and onto the couch to kick off[…]

Season 1

1.6 Mark Garff: Landscape Architect

When you spend any time around Mark Garff, the idea that we can simply do[…]

Season 1

1.5 Julia Crain: Urban Planner

If we’re lucky enough, we’re able to apply our passions and skills to the places[…]

Our Team

Jon Wick


Jon is the award-winning owner and founder of 5518 Designs and Dig City Supply. A creative at heart, he spent several years as a teacher before launching 5518 Designs in 2012. Now more of a creative agency with retail stores and many side projects, Jon is always looking to use his talent and platform to elevate and better his community. Jon was named a Distinguished Alumni of Montana Tech in 2015 and the 2020 Montana Entrepreneur of the Year.

Kayti Korte


Kayti is the head of marketing at 5518 Designs and an Assistant Engineer at Morris Mountain Studios, as well as a member of the band Desperate Electric. She’s a lifelong musician who is passionate about bringing an artist’s vision to life, whether that be in the studio, or outside of it. Her background in music, marketing, and graphic design comes in handy when putting together any creative project.

Ben Morris


Ben is the wizard behind the audio at Of All The Places and the ‘Juice’ creating all the goodness from Morris Mountain Studios, an all-inclusive recording experience in Walkerville, MT. He graduated from Montana State University in 2017 with a degree in Music Technology and a degree in Marketing. A lifelong musician, he is passionate about helping other artists bring their music to life.

Brought to you by

Covellite Theater
Pork Chop John's Sandwich
Restor Design Build
Taco Del Sol, Butte, Montana
Metals Sports Bar and Grill
Casagranda's Steakhouse
Steele's Furniture
5518 Designs Gifts and Apparel In Butte Montana